[isabelle-dev] Building Isabelle/Scala layer from Repository Version on Windows7 (64 Bit)

Jasmin Christian Blanchette jasmin.blanchette at gmail.com
Thu May 31 00:25:40 CEST 2012

Hi Makarius,

Am 29.05.2012 um 13:46 schrieb Makarius:

> On Sun, 27 May 2012, Steffen J. Smolka wrote:
>> I'm trying to get the Repository Version of Isabelle to run on Windows7 (64
>> Bit).
>> When executing
>>> ./bin/isabelle jedit
>> in cygwin, I get the following error:
>  * Try to avoid "using" repository versions in the first place.  There
>    must be good reasons to invest the extra effort that is required to
>    follow the Isabelle development process in every step.

There are good reasons. Steffen recently started as a HiWi and he will be improving the Isar proof reconstruction code. That code is tightly interconnected with the rest of Sledgehammer, so this is definitely not one of those self-contained student projects that can be done in user space against some stable version of Isabelle.

>  * If you still have do it yourself from the repository for strong
>    reasons, you should imidate the bundling of the latest official
>    release as closely as possibly, especially its jdk and scala
>    components, see the Isabelle2012/contrib directry.

When I helped him set up the repository version last week, the first thing we did was to "cannibalize" the official components.

Anyway, if you haven't seen the error before, I guess we'll have to investigate this more closely on Steffen's machine and find out what went wrong (and let you know).


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