[isabelle-dev] MacHg 1.0 soon

Lawrence Paulson lp15 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Mar 7 15:19:47 CET 2012

There is also MacMercurial, which gives access to all the basic commands, but it's unfortunately useless once things get corrupted...


On 7 Mar 2012, at 14:14, Makarius wrote:

> Dear Mac users,
> MacHg 1.0 is about to be release next week -- they have the last beta phase right now; see http://jasonfharris.com/machg/
> There might be still some glitches, but it made a good impression playing with it for 2 hours.
> It works nicely with external diff/merge tools, such as the free http://www.sourcegear.com/diffmerge/ -- true Mac users will certainly pay extra for one of the commercial alternatives.
> What I am still missing personally, is a way to get a quick overview of a large number of changesets, and the reduced view of merge nodes of plain old "hg view".  Nonetheless, I've already had some success in disentangling concurrent changes on latex sources, where several people were messing around (not on the Isabelle repository :-).
> 	Makarius
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