[isabelle-dev] macOS Sierra 10.12

Mathias Fleury Mathias.Fleury at ens-rennes.fr
Fri Oct 21 20:52:19 CEST 2016

Hello Makarius,

> Has anybody tried Sierra already? That can be done by the .dmg provided
> on http://isabelle.in.tum.de/devel <http://isabelle.in.tum.de/devel>

I am using Isabelle devel and RC0 on Sierra (for two weeks), without problem so far.


> The official platform support scheme for Isabelle is documented in
> Isabelle/Admin/PLATFORMS:
> http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle/file/692a1b317316/Admin/PLATFORMS#l25
> It shows that Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan is listed without a proof by
> some reference machine (it is my old laptop at the moment). 10.12 is
> missing altogether, because I can't run that without giving Apple some
> money for hardware.
> Filling this platform-support hole requires some remotely accessible
> machine that can be also used in interactive SSH and Apple terminal
> sessions: a batch-only test as presently done in Jenkins is not sufficient.

> If it cannot be done, we need to rethink Isabelle support on Mac OS X
> (err macOS).
> About 10 years ago, I have become a part-time Mac user, because it was
> not sufficient to trust the sporadic testing by full-time Mac users.
> We've got used to a situation where almost everything works, but that
> does not continue automatically out of custom.
> 	Makarius
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