[isabelle-dev] macOS Sierra 10.12

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Fri Oct 21 18:13:50 CEST 2016

Apple has released macOS Sierra 10.12 some weeks ago, but I missed that,
because my test hardware from 2009 is no longer supported and thus there
was no update notification.

Has anybody tried Sierra already? That can be done by the .dmg provided
on http://isabelle.in.tum.de/devel

The official platform support scheme for Isabelle is documented in

It shows that Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan is listed without a proof by
some reference machine (it is my old laptop at the moment). 10.12 is
missing altogether, because I can't run that without giving Apple some
money for hardware.

Filling this platform-support hole requires some remotely accessible
machine that can be also used in interactive SSH and Apple terminal
sessions: a batch-only test as presently done in Jenkins is not sufficient.

If it cannot be done, we need to rethink Isabelle support on Mac OS X
(err macOS).

About 10 years ago, I have become a part-time Mac user, because it was
not sufficient to trust the sporadic testing by full-time Mac users.

We've got used to a situation where almost everything works, but that
does not continue automatically out of custom.


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