[isabelle-dev] PolyML bundle build steps

Matthew Fernandez matthew.fernandez at nicta.com.au
Fri Jun 3 02:06:48 CEST 2016

Hi Makarius et al,

Apologies if is already known, but I could not find any obvious reference to it.

The PolyML tarball that comes bundled with Isabelle has a script `build` that automates compilation.
Very handy. However, when moving files towards the end, it seems to attempt something that doesn't
work out:

   mv: cannot move 'src/x86_64-linux/lib/pkgconfig' to 'x86_64-linux/pkgconfig': Directory not empty
   rmdir: failed to remove 'src/x86_64-linux/lib': Directory not empty

It looks to me like it is the result of these lines in `build`:

   91 mv "$SOURCE/$TARGET/lib/"* "$TARGET/"
   92 rmdir "$SOURCE/$TARGET/bin" "$SOURCE/$TARGET/lib"

The failure doesn't seem to affect the resulting build artefacts, but I don't think these lines are
intended to fail. This occurred when running `./build src x86_64-linux --with-gmp`. Just wanted to
let you know in case this was not a known situation.



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