[isabelle-dev] I don't understand isatest AFP report

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Wed May 15 14:05:38 CEST 2013

On Wed, 15 May 2013, Andreas Lochbihler wrote:

> In AFP/599ff65b85e2, Dmitriy dropped the session Containers-Benchmarks to 
> avoid crashes in the build tool.

I still have this on my list to look again, if further Isabelle/Scala 
robustification is needed beyond the state in Isabelle/5fdca5bfc0b4.

The general attitude of Isabelle build is to "manage" Isabelle sessions 
reliably, but it requires some odd measures on the JVM side, and 
possibilities for break down will always remain (despite the old "timeout" 
and the new "process_output_limit".)

BTW, timeout was missing in thys/Containers/ROOT until AFP/0b521abc0487.


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