[isabelle-dev] Isabelle repository won't build in an encrypted directory
Matthew Fernandez
matthew.fernandez at nicta.com.au
Mon Feb 11 19:33:07 CET 2013
[Transferred from isabelle-users as per Makarius' suggestion. Apologies
for duplication.]
When cloning the Isabelle bitbucket repo and attempting to use it as per
README_REPOSITORY, it doesn't work if your working directory is in an
encrypted mount. I get the attached results. Somewhere in the mess of
error output is "File name too long." I've seen this issue before with
another tool that was generating temporary files in my (encrypted) home
directory. The standard Ubuntu home encryption setup stores per-file
metadata in your home directory in a path derived by extending the name
of the original file. If the original filename is quite long, extending
it will exceed the limits of the underlying file system. I believe
that's what is happening here.
Is it possible to resolve this issue in the repository?
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
uname -r: 3.2.0-35-generic
hg id: c633700b2d9f
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-------------- next part --------------
$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/makarius/isabelle
destination directory: isabelle
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 50993 changesets with 131780 changes to 9165 files
updating to branch default
2913 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ cd isabelle
$ ./bin/isabelle components -I
Initializing "/home/matthew/.isabelle/etc/settings"
$ ./bin/isabelle components -a
$ ./bin/isabelle jedit -l HOL
### Building graph browser ...
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.4
Note: GraphBrowser/GraphBrowser.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
1 warning
### Building Isabelle/Scala ...
while compiling: term_xml.scala
during phase: jvm
library version: version 2.10.0
compiler version: version 2.10.0
reconstructed args: -target:jvm-1.5 -nowarn -d classes
last tree to typer: Literal(Constant(Tuple2))
symbol: null
symbol definition: null
tpe: Class(classOf[scala.Tuple2])
symbol owners:
context owners: object Term_XML$Decode -> package isabelle
== Enclosing template or block ==
Template( // val <local Decode>: <notype> in object Term_XML$Decode, tree.tpe=isabelle.Term_XML$Decode.type
"java.lang.Object" // parents
// 5 statements
ValDef( // private[this] val sort: Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode
private <local> <triedcooking>
"sort "
<tpt> // tree.tpe=Function1
DefDef( // val sort(): Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode
<method> <stable> <accessor> <triedcooking>
<tpt> // tree.tpe=Function1
Term_XML$Decode.this."sort " // private[this] val sort: Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1
DefDef( // def typ(): Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode
<method> <triedcooking>
<tpt> // tree.tpe=Function1
Apply( // def variant(fs: List): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1
"isabelle"."XML$Decode"."variant" // def variant(fs: List): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=(fs: List)Function1
Apply( // override def apply(xs: Seq): List in object List, tree.tpe=List
immutable.this."List"."apply" // override def apply(xs: Seq): List in object List, tree.tpe=(xs: Seq)List
Apply( // implicit def wrapRefArray(xs: Array[Object]): collection.mutable.WrappedArray in class LowPriorityImplicits, tree.tpe=collection.mutable.WrappedArray
scala.this."Predef"."wrapRefArray" // implicit def wrapRefArray(xs: Array[Object]): collection.mutable.WrappedArray in class LowPriorityImplicits, tree.tpe=(xs: Array[Object])collection.mutable.WrappedArray
Apply( // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=Array[Object]
TypeApply( // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=()Array[Object]
(new anonymous class anonfun$typ$4(): Function2)
}, {
(new anonymous class anonfun$typ$5(): Function2)
}, {
(new anonymous class anonfun$typ$6(): Function2)
}}."$asInstanceOf" // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=[T0 >: ? <: ?]()T0
<tpt> // tree.tpe=Array[Object]
DefDef( // def term(): Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode
<method> <triedcooking>
<tpt> // tree.tpe=Function1
Apply( // def variant(fs: List): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1
"isabelle"."XML$Decode"."variant" // def variant(fs: List): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=(fs: List)Function1
Apply( // override def apply(xs: Seq): List in object List, tree.tpe=List
immutable.this."List"."apply" // override def apply(xs: Seq): List in object List, tree.tpe=(xs: Seq)List
Apply( // implicit def wrapRefArray(xs: Array[Object]): collection.mutable.WrappedArray in class LowPriorityImplicits, tree.tpe=collection.mutable.WrappedArray
scala.this."Predef"."wrapRefArray" // implicit def wrapRefArray(xs: Array[Object]): collection.mutable.WrappedArray in class LowPriorityImplicits, tree.tpe=(xs: Array[Object])collection.mutable.WrappedArray
Apply( // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=Array[Object]
TypeApply( // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=()Array[Object]
(new anonymous class anonfun$term$7(): Function2)
}, {
(new anonymous class anonfun$term$8(): Function2)
}, {
(new anonymous class anonfun$term$9(): Function2)
}, {
(new anonymous class anonfun$term$10(): Function2)
}, {
(new anonymous class anonfun$term$11(): Function2)
}, {
(new anonymous class anonfun$term$12(): Function2)
}}."$asInstanceOf" // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=[T0 >: ? <: ?]()T0
<tpt> // tree.tpe=Array[Object]
DefDef( // def <init>(): isabelle.Term_XML$Decode.type in object Term_XML$Decode
<tpt> // tree.tpe=isabelle.Term_XML$Decode.type
Block( // tree.tpe=Unit
// 2 statements
Apply( // def <init>(): Object in class Object, tree.tpe=Object
Term_XML$Decode.super."<init>" // def <init>(): Object in class Object, tree.tpe=()Object
Assign( // tree.tpe=Unit
Term_XML$Decode.this."sort " // private[this] val sort: Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1
Apply( // def list(f: Function1): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1
"isabelle"."XML$Decode"."list" // def list(f: Function1): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=(f: Function1)Function1
Apply( // val string(): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1
"isabelle"."XML$Decode"."string" // val string(): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=()Function1
== Expanded type of tree ==
ConstantType(value = Constant(Tuple2))
uncaught exception during compilation: java.io.IOException
error: File name too long
two errors found
Failed to compile sources
### Building Isabelle/Graphview ...
src/graph_panel.scala:22: error: not found: object XML
make_tooltip: (JComponent, Int, Int, XML.Body) => String)
src/model.scala:40: error: not found: value XML
sealed case class Info(name: String, content: XML.Body)
src/model.scala:57: error: not found: value XML
val decode_graph: XML.Decode.T[Graph] =
src/graphview.scala:34: error: not found: value cat_lines
case _ => error("Bad arguments:\n" + cat_lines(args))
src/main_panel.scala:35: error: not found: value XML
def make_tooltip(parent: JComponent, x: Int, y: Int, body: XML.Body): String =
error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Pretty.class refers to term XML
in package isabelle which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Pretty.class.
error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Pretty.class refers to term XML
in package isabelle which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Pretty.class.
src/model.scala:44: error: not found: value XML
val decode_info: XML.Decode.T[Info] = (body: XML.Body) =>
src/model.scala:44: error: not found: value XML
val decode_info: XML.Decode.T[Info] = (body: XML.Body) =>
src/model.scala:46: error: not found: value XML
import XML.Decode._
src/model.scala:48: error: not found: value pair
val (name, content) = pair(string, x => x)(body)
src/model.scala:49: error: type mismatch;
found : Any
required: String
Info(name, content)
error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Graph.class refers to term XML
in package isabelle which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Graph.class.
error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Graph.class refers to term Decode
in value isabelle.XML which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Graph.class.
error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Graph.class refers to term Decode
in value isabelle.XML which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Graph.class.
error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Graph.class refers to term XML
in package isabelle which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Graph.class.
src/model.scala:58: error: not found: value XML
isabelle.Graph.decode(XML.Decode.string, decode_info)
src/mutator_event.scala:31: error: not found: value Swing_Thread
def += (r: Receiver) { Swing_Thread.require(); receivers += r }
src/mutator_event.scala:32: error: not found: value Swing_Thread
def -= (r: Receiver) { Swing_Thread.require(); receivers -= r }
src/mutator_event.scala:33: error: not found: value Swing_Thread
def event(x: Message) { Swing_Thread.require(); receivers.foreach(r => r(x)) }
20 errors found
Failed to compile sources
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