[isabelle-dev] Grouping of Isabelle Symbols

Christian Sternagel c-sterna at jaist.ac.jp
Wed Nov 21 14:57:00 CET 2012

Dear Fabian,

cool! That's exactly what I wanted to write as a macro. Unfortunately I 
did not know that you where working on such a panel (I could have saved 
me some hours of (re)learning swing programming).

Could you embed the symbols inside scroll panes? E.g., the symbols in 
category "letter" are not fully visible (on my machine) without changing 
the default size of the dockable.



On 11/21/2012 02:32 PM, Fabian Immler wrote:
> See also changeset 4ff5d795ed08, which introduces a dockable for
> symbols. As it is included in the repository, I guess it supersedes
> the macro in your collection -- I could have thought about porting it
> to Scala, the current implementation is, however, relatively
> straightforward (and more dense compared to the Java code).
> If you have any comments or suggestions concerning the Symbols
> dockable, feel free
> to contact me!
> Regards,
> Fabian
> 2012/11/21 Christian Sternagel <c-sterna at jaist.ac.jp>:
>> Is there a plan to make the grouping of changeset 0226d408058b available in
>> Isabelle/Scala through isabelle.Symbol? I could make use of it in the
>> Symbols.bsh macro of
>>    https://isabelle.in.tum.de/community/Extending_Isabelle/jEdit
>> cheers
>> chris
>> PS: Is it possible to somehow use Scala when writing jEdit macros? Anyone?
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