[isabelle-dev] isabelle-release repository

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Wed May 2 22:24:37 CEST 2012

Dear all,

we are past point 0 for the Isabelle2012 release.  This means:

   * http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle-release/rev/d9a09f965dab is
     the starting point for the final phase before roll-out in > 2 weeks.
     There is no push access.  Any changes that are essential for the
     release need to be sent to me via email.

   * http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle is back in post-release mode
     right now.  Big upheaveals should be avoided, so that the release branch
     can merged back cleanly in 2-3 weeks; but it is better to publish
     small changes now than to stockpile for several weeks.

   * mira tests isabelle, not isabelle-release

   * isatest tests isabelle-release

   * nightly development snapshots are from isabelle-release

   * AFP needs to be understood wrt. isabelle-release
     (Gerwin will explain his organization of the AFP release for
     Isabelle2012, based on the afp-devel repository.)

   * Isabelle2012-RC versions based on isabelle-release will be
     announced soon.  I hope that many people will join the testing
     efforts on their exotic machines.


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