[isabelle-dev] JinjaThreads in French!

Andreas Lochbihler andreas.lochbihler at kit.edu
Fri Feb 3 12:49:09 CET 2012

Thanks for spotting this, Peter.

> Actually, I think it does what it is supposed to do. The document/root.tex says
> \usepackage[french,english]{babel}
No, according to the babel documentation, the primary language is the last one 
mentioned, i.e., English.

I'm not sure whether the French option is still required. IIRC, I added that 
option in 2009 because some glyphs were only availabe when French was loaded, 
possibly something with >> and <<.


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
IPD Snelting

Andreas Lochbihler
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Adenauerring 20a, Geb. 50.41, Raum 031
76131 Karlsruhe

Telefon: +49 721 608-47399
Fax: +49 721 608-48457
E-Mail: andreas.lochbihler at kit.edu
KIT - Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum 
in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

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