[isabelle-dev] Isabelle release test website

Jasmin Blanchette jasmin.blanchette at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 20:24:37 CEST 2012

Hi Makarius,

> I suppose here that the self-extracting Isabelle_23-Apr-2012.exe archive did extract correctly, to something like 850 MB directory structure?

At least it had the expected directory structure.

> Your existing Cygwin is probably relatively old, such that the poly.exe cannot be started and produce the required version; cf. the "undefined" above.

Indeed, that must have been it.

> Starting a terminal for the bundled Isabelle Cygwin now works, but I did not update the 7zip SFX yet.  You can do it via http://www4.in.tum.de/~wenzelm/test/website/dist/Isabelle_23-Apr-2012_bundle_x86-cygwin.tar.gz by untarring that with the existing Cygwin.  Then the directory structure can be access via Windows the standard way.
> There are now Cygwin-Terminal and Cygwin-Setup batch files to be clicked on, which hopefully do the job.

That works. Thanks! And indeed, I can reproduce Alex's issue.

> You might still have to do a manual incantation from cmd.exe:
>  ...\contrib\cygwin-1.7.9\bin\ash -c /bin/rebaseall
> This maintenance step requires all Cygwin stuff to be off.

That didn't seem to be necessary.


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