[isabelle-dev] wwwfind

Lawrence Paulson lp15 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 20 13:22:16 CET 2010

Ideally one could select between the standard libraries, the full libraries (everything within HOL) and the AFP by a menu. But there is no need to overcomplicate it the first time. The default should just be HOL/Library.

On 20 Jan 2010, at 11:13, Gerwin Klein wrote:

> This would be a good idea, I think. 
> Makarius, would we be able to set that up in Munich? It should not require much maintenance apart from an initial setup and an image from the Isabelle release.
> We'd still need to think about what set of theories to offer (all of Library, all sessions, ..). A good selection with not too much in it would probably be of help to beginners. Too much will confuse more than help.

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