[isabelle-dev] Usage Isabelle2007

Hakobyan Lilit lilit_hakobyan at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 5 10:00:24 CET 2008


I am a beginner in Isabelle. 
I have install Isabelle2007 and have following problem. Plaese help me.

After starting Proof-General, load a theory  and click the button "Use"
generates the following message in the minibuffer:

 "Starting process  isabelle home/Isabelle2007/bin/isabelle-process -PI -m PGASCII HOL "

After this  nothing happens and when I try to use any  other command  I get  "Proof process busy".

The same in Isabelle2008 works alright, though, but I need the 2007 version.

I am using 
Linux 64-bitIsabelle2007 polyml-5.2 

Many thanks

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