Towards Isabelle2025-RC1

Makarius makarius at
Mon Feb 3 20:48:53 CET 2025

On 02/02/2025 17:10, Makarius wrote:
> On 31/01/2025 15:25, Makarius wrote:
> I will make the snapshot Mon 11:30 Bavarian time.

I've done that, but required 3 attempts to build the distribution and website 
(each one requires approx. 2h).

Now that it has been published, we have 1-2 weeks on the isabelle-dev 
repository to sort out fine points for the final release.

Then comes the repository fork, presumably at RC2 or RC3. It means that 
further changes will have to be send to me via e-mail.

We also need to sync with the AFP fork and release: Gerwin will say what his 
schedule is this time.


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