[isabelle-dev] NEWS: Build Manager

Fabian Huch huch at in.tum.de
Mon Oct 28 10:38:15 CET 2024

*** System ***

* The Build_Manager module has replaced previous glue-code for Jenkins
integration. The module contains a server that coordinates continuous
integration jobs and user-submitted build tasks and displays them via
web front-end. Users can submit tasks in the same manner as with the
local build tool, for example:

   isabelle build_task -o build_manager_ssh_user=huch -c -A: -a -X slow

This requires SSH access to the server and membership in a common Unix
group (same requirements as push access to the Isabelle repository).

The build manager makes it easy to test any changes *before* a push.
To use the build_task command (almost) as a drop-in replacement for 
isabelle build,
trust our TUM signatures by adding the authority to the known hosts 
in ~/.ssh/known_hosts):

   @cert-authority * ssh-ed25519 
AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIILPDbJFF8fp35wkNK13f3H4SZEUWokcr65pgQ72S8Je CA at mta

And place your ssh user in ~/.isabelle/etc/preferences, e.g.:

   build_manager_ssh_user = "huch"

A good test (approx. 45 mins) for Isabelle or AFP changes then is:

   isabelle build_task -A: -a -X slow


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