[isabelle-dev] State of the Isabelle2021-1 release process

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Fri Nov 12 10:52:37 CET 2021

On 07/11/2021 20:44, Makarius wrote:
> We are presently at Isabelle2021-1-RC2, which is still on the regular
> isabelle-dev repository.
> This will remain so until the end of the week (approx. 12-Nov-2021): then I
> will fork the isabelle-dev vs. isabelle-release repository and make
> Isabelle2021-1-RC3 available shortly afterwards.
> So there are a few days remaining to consolidate everything on the
> isabelle-dev repository --- for *this* release.
> After the fork, further changes need to be exported and sent to me via e-mail
> (and not pushed on the isabelle-dev repository anymore).

I will do the repository fork today in the evening, approx. 17:00 GMT.


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