[isabelle-dev] Sup{} for type nat

Tobias Nipkow nipkow at in.tum.de
Tue May 12 16:43:37 CEST 2020

I would have liked something like that on more than one occasion.


On 12/05/2020 16:41, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
> We provide the functions Sup (supremum) and Max (maximum). I am pretty sure that the Max of a set should be an element of that set and therefore we properly do not define Max{}. However, the supremum of a set merely needs to be an upper bound and therefore we should define Sup{} = 0 for the natural numbers. I have tried making this change and it is possible to build Main without any other changes, but it’s clear that a dozen or two proofs are likely to break elsewhere.
> I can do this, but would anybody like to comment on whether it is appropriate? It would certainly be convenient to be able to refer to Sup S regardless of whether S is empty.
> Larry
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