[isabelle-dev] Isabelle component csdp-6.x is 32-Bit [macOS]

Lawrence Paulson lp15 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Nov 29 12:04:04 CET 2019

Yes, I noticed this as well. It’s necessary to install gfortran, which can be done in a single line using homebrew:

	brew cask install gfortran

This also installs a copy of the real gcc, and I put a link in a more sensible place:

	ln -s /usr/local/gfortran/bin/gcc /usr/local/bin/

Then it was simply necessary to type

	make CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc

(The sources can be downloaded from https://github.com/coin-or/Csdp.)

As I recall, it’s possible to create a sort of closure containing both an executable and libraries. Does anybody know how that is done?


> On 28 Nov 2019, at 19:56, Clemens Ballarin <ballarin at in.tum.de> wrote:
> I'm glad you tried on your MacBook Pro at home first ...
> The attached executable doesn't work out of the box, it needs libgfortran:
> ballarin$ ~/Downloads/csdp.bin --version
> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/gfortran/lib/libgfortran.3.dylib
>  Referenced from: /Users/ballarin/Downloads/csdp.bin
>  Reason: image not found
> Abort trap: 6
> Clemens
> On 2019-11-28 16:21, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
>>> On 28 Nov 2019, at 14:06, Makarius <makarius at sketis.net> wrote:
>>> users who want to use Isabelle2019 with everything as expected
>>> need to stay away from the macOS update.
>>> It is clear that such things need to be updated eventually. The standard
>>> scheme is to have everything working with Catalina with the next official
>>> Isabelle release.
>> Sorry, this statement is absolutely incorrect. The version of csdp
>> that I compiled myself in 2014 (and again this morning) works
>> perfectly well with Catalina. I will try emailing it (see attachment)
>> and maybe somebody else can see if it runs for them. Then I can send
>> it out to the general mailing list.
>> We need to include this version in our package rather than the one we
>> have been using before.
>> Larry

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