[isabelle-dev] HTML output

Bisping, Benjamin benjamin.bisping at tu-berlin.de
Mon Mar 18 15:39:24 CET 2019


I ran into the same problem (solved it with a crude Python script
here...) and would also greatly appreciate such a feature and other
improvements to the HTML output!

By the way, seeing your solution, I would suggest to rather attach the
id-attributes to the tags surrounding the defined names, which enables
CSS :target highlighting. (To see what it looks like in our solution: 

Kind Regards,


Am Montag, den 18.03.2019, 12:25 +0000 schrieb Haslbeck, Maximilian:
> Hi,
> In one of our recent papers we provided direct links to the
> corresponding Isabelle definitions, lemmas, etc (for example [1]).
> The anchors inside Isabelle’s HTML output were added with a very
> crude shell script with multiple invocations of sed.
> So it would be great if the necessary id tags (and other semantic
> information) could be added by Isabelle itself. I’m willing to
> implement this myself but I would need some general pointers in the
> right direction. I’m guessing I can implement this with
> Isabelle/Scala, right?
> Gruß
> Max
> [1] <
> http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/isafor/experiments/lll/browser_info/AFP/LLL_Basis_Reduction/LLL_GSO_Impl.html#def:basis_reduction_main
> >
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