[isabelle-dev] Isabelle DejaVu against old Isabelle Text font

Peter Lammich lammich at in.tum.de
Tue Feb 5 11:43:49 CET 2019

Hi list,

I just updated my Isabelle devel version (now on d21789843f01), and
immediately noticed that the displayed fonts are significantly blurry.

Find attached a side-by-side comparison of Isabelle-d21789843f01 (left)
and Isabelle-2018 (right). At least on my monitor, the font display on
the left side is significantly worse (blurred). Both use font size 18
with standard anti-aliasing method.

Is this worsening due to another Java version, due to the new Isabelle
font, or has it some other reasons? How to find out? How to fix it?


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