[isabelle-dev] Antiquotation Parsing Time Increased between Isabelle 2017 and 2018

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Mon Apr 15 12:11:01 CEST 2019

On 15/04/2019 03:03, Jackson, Vincent (Data61, Kensington NSW) wrote:
> I recently ran into a performance degradation when updating some proofs to Isabelle 2018.
> These theory files involve a large number of anti-quotations in ML blocks.
> In Isabelle 2017 a file with ~1000 thm antiquotations takes 3 seconds; in Isabelle 2018, 2 minutes and 39 seconds.
> I have pinned down the source to this commit:
>   d293958f9d use Poly/ML 5.7.1 test version as default;
> If anyone knows what changed to cause this, I'd be interested to know.

Included are the results of "isabelle -o profiling=time" and "isabelle
profiling_report .../heaps/.../log/Thy1024.gz" for Isabelle2017,
Isabelle2018, and the current approximation of Isabelle2019 (538919322852).

This shows that the time is spent in the Poly/ML compiler (by David
Matthews). The compiler has changed significantly in the past three
releases: 5.6, 5.7.1, 5.8 and it is again faster in this example.
Nonetheless the polyml-5.8 profile shows a significant entry:

        16387 IntSet.mergeLists

It is up to David Matthews to say if this can be fine-tuned further.

BTW: in the ROOT file you have used session "Main", which is
documentation for theory Main in session "HOL". You should use session
"HOL" instead.

BTW 2: the isabelle-dev mailing list "covers the Isabelle development
process, including intermediate repository versions, and administrative
issues concerning the website or testing infrastructure" (quote from the
website). Anything else is for isabelle-users -- and the use of
Isabelle/ML is a normal Isabelle user activity.

BTW 3: you should follow official Isabelle releases as they are
published. In a few weeks you can already start working with
Isabelle2019-RC1 (feedback on that will be also on isabelle-users).

-------------- next part --------------
Isabelle2017 contrib/polyml-5.6-1
             1 AList.map_index
             1 Basics.fold
             1 Scan.repeat
             1 ML_Lex.gen_read
             1 String.concat
             1 CODETREE_STATIC_LINK_AND_CASES().staticLinkAndCases
             1 X86OUTPUTCODE().checkBranchList
             1 Substring.fields
             1 CODEGEN_TABLE().moveToVec
             1 ML_Env.sml_env
             1 CODETREE_REMOVE_REDUNDANT().cleanProc
             1 Thread_Attributes.uninterruptible
             1 List.filter
             1 Library.maps
             1 Int.fmt
             1 Multithreading.synchronized
             1 Proofterm.fulfill_norm_proof
             1 X86LOWLEVEL().loadToOneOf
             1 Markup.markup
             1 CODEGEN_TABLE().performActions
             2 CODEGEN_TABLE().alignStack
             2 List.map
             2 List.@
             3 CODETREE_SIMPLIFIER().simpSpecial
             4 Table().defined
             4 Table().lookup_key
             4 CODEGEN_TABLE().indirect
             4 UTILITIES_().noDuplicates
             5 Axclass.insert_arity_completions
             6 CODEGEN_TABLE().getRegisterInSet
             8 CODEGEN_TABLE().clearCacheEntry
             9 GARBAGE COLLECTION (minor collection)
             9 GARBAGE COLLECTION (total)
             9 MATCH_COMPILER().pattCode
            11 CODEGEN_TABLE().pushRegisters
            14 CODEGEN_TABLE().removeFromCache
            16 CODEGEN_TABLE().saveState
            19 StretchArray.update
            23 CODEGEN_TABLE().removeOldItemsFromRealStack
            28 CODEGEN_TABLE().mergeState
            59 CODEGEN_TABLE().setState
           103 CODETREE_STATIC_LINK_AND_CASES().lifeTimes
           139 X86OPTIMISE().optimise
           149 StretchArray.sub
-------------- next part --------------
             1 Symbol.bump_string
             1 X86OUTPUTCODE().codeGenerate
             1 Table().lookup
             1 X86OPTIMISE().generateCode
             1 Pretty.make_block
             1 Future.scheduler_next
             1 Thread.ConditionVar.innerWait
             1 IntSet.partition
             1 CODETREE_SIMPLIFIER().simpFunctionCall
             1 Print_Mode.print_mode_value
             1 X86ICodeToX86Code().icodeToX86Code
             1 List.map
             1 TYPE_TREE().tDisp
             1 Command.reports_of_token
             1 HashTable.hashSub
             1 X86AllocateRegisters().allocateRegisters
             1 X86CodetreeToICode().codeFunctionToX86
             1 Symbol_Pos.explode_delete
             1 Symbol_Pos.pad
             1 Latex.output_positions
             1 Thread_Attributes.uninterruptible
             1 TYPE_TREE().copyTypeConstrWithCache
             1 Proofterm.rewrite_prf
             1 MATCH_COMPILER().constructorCode
             1 Scan.finite'
             1 String.implode
             1 Symbol_Pos.!!!
             1 Multithreading.synchronized
             1 UNKNOWN
             1 CODETREE_SIMPLIFIER().simpTuple
             1 Parse.group
             2 Scan.>>
             2 Scan.||
             2 List.@
             3 Table().defined
             4 GARBAGE COLLECTION (minor collection)
             4 GARBAGE COLLECTION (total)
             4 UTILITIES_().noDuplicates
             5 X86ICodeIdentifyReferences().identifyRegisters
             5 X86ICodeIdentifyReferences().getInstructionState
             9 MATCH_COMPILER().pattCode
             9 IntSet.minusLists
            10 X86ICodeTransform().spillRegisters
           174 IntSet.mergeLists
           186 List.filter
         16674 eq-cacheType
         19110 X86PushRegisters().addRegisterPushes
-------------- next part --------------
Isabelle/538919322852 contrib/polyml-5.8
             1 ML_Antiquotation.gen_declaration
             1 Scan.repeat
             1 X86OPTIMISE().generateCode
             1 Source.drain_source'
             1 Future.scheduler_next
             1 PolyCompareArbitrary
             1 Scan.one
             1 YXML.split_string
             1 X86ICodeToX86Code().icodeToX86Code
             1 TYPE_TREE().tDisp
             1 Symbol_Pos.source
             1 X86CodetreeToICode().codeFunctionToX86
             1 X86OUTPUTCODE().getConstant
             1 ML_Env.make_name_space
             1 Proofterm.rewrite_prf
             1 STRUCTURES_().pass2Structs
             1 CODETREE_FUNCTIONS().codeProps
             1 CODETREE().genCode
             1 Lazy.force_result
             1 o
             1 List.@
             2 List.mapPartial
             2 Table().lookup
             2 LargeInt.fmt
             2 Synchronized.value
             3 UTILITIES_().noDuplicates
             5 X86ICodeTransform().spillRegisters
             5 GARBAGE COLLECTION (copy phase)
             6 IntSet.partition
             9 MATCH_COMPILER().pattCode
            18 GARBAGE COLLECTION (update phase)
            27 IntSet.addItem
            29 X86PushRegisters().addRegisterPushes
            35 X86ICodeIdentifyReferences().getInstructionState
            39 List.foldr
            48 IntSet.minusLists
            80 List.map
            89 UNKNOWN
            94 eq-cacheType
            96 GARBAGE COLLECTION (mark phase)
           151 X86ICodeIdentifyReferences().identifyRegs
           153 List.filter
           255 X86ICodeOptimise().optimiseICode
           385 GARBAGE COLLECTION (minor collection)
           504 GARBAGE COLLECTION (total)
         16387 IntSet.mergeLists

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