[isabelle-dev] Problems building Isabelle/Scala

Jasmin Blanchette jasmin.blanchette at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 11:06:53 CEST 2019

Hi all,

I recently installed Isabelle on two new laptops and am running into the same on both. One is a MacBook Air, the other a MacBook Pro. Both are running macOS Mojave 10.4.4.

What happens is simple. After cloning the Isabelle repository (350acd36) and installed the necessary components, I type

	./bin/isabelle jedit -b -f

as suggested in "README_REPOSITORY" and then it answers

	### Building Isabelle/Scala

Things remain like this for over 20 minutes, at which point I give up. The CPU generates a lot of heat, though.

Has anyone any idea of what's going on?


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