[isabelle-dev] AFP/HLDE

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Fri Oct 5 22:14:27 CEST 2018

On 05/10/18 20:20, Christian Sternagel wrote:
> On 10/05/2018 07:10 PM, Makarius wrote:
>> What is the purpose of the session HLDE, with its duplicate theory
>> Solver_Code that is also in Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom?
> As the author of the corresponding ROOT file, when I look at it now, I
> cannot think of any reason to have also session HLDE (except of course
> the shorter name).

So the question is reduced by one step: What is the purpose of theory
"Solver_Code" abstractly?

It seems to deliver an executable tool for later use elsewhere, but the
implementation is very fragile.

We could take it as a model to get such a task right.


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