[isabelle-dev] I/O error in isabelle build

Lars Hupel hupel at in.tum.de
Wed May 16 20:48:44 CEST 2018

I'm seeing some spurious (?) errors in "isabelle build":

17:15:13 Finished List-Index (0:00:08 elapsed time, 0:00:11 cpu time, 
factor 1.37)
17:15:13 *** I/O error: 
/tmp/isabelle-jenkins/process478460358635901180/export2631876 (No such 
file or directory)

I don't understand where these are coming from. One instance can be 
found here:


Of note are these warnings:

15:37:27 ### Ignoring bad database: 
15:37:27 ### Ignoring bad database: 
15:37:27 ### Ignoring bad database: 
15:37:27 ### Ignoring bad database: 
15:37:27 ### Ignoring bad database: 
15:37:28 ### Ignoring bad database: 
15:37:28 ### Ignoring bad database: 
15:37:28 ### Ignoring bad database: 

It also happened with the previous build on the same machine:


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