[isabelle-dev] Towards Isabelle2018-RC1

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Mon Jul 2 14:39:23 CEST 2018

On 02/07/18 14:35, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> I will produce Isabelle2018-RC1 later today, maybe in approx. 3h.
>> For that I also need a version of AFP that works.
> According to <https://devel.isa-afp.org/status.html>, the latest
> known-good version (except for the "slow" sessions) is

The above hint was mainly for people pushing things in the last moment,
lets say within the next 2h.

When doing a release candidate, it often requires some final polishing
and consequently a full test afterwards. I am merely hoping that this
test will work, and I don't have to respin.

Again note that Isabelle2018-RC1 will be still on the main isabelle-dev
repository -- there will be no repository fork yet.


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