[isabelle-dev] scala-2.12.2

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Thu Jun 22 14:18:26 CEST 2017

On 22/06/17 14:10, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> a "StackOverflowError" (in the patmat phase), before I even got a chance
>> at running this
> I have investigated this now. It is a regression from Scala 2.11.x to
> Scala 2.12.x.
> The offending function is "integer_of_char", which performs a 256-way
> pattern matching. Maybe this should be implemented differently.
> In any case, I have filed this as a bug:
>   <https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/10387>

The guys there are talking about Dotty. Do you think it will be also
taken into account by the regular scalac maintainers eventually?

Alternatively, if Florian has an idea for a workaround it is also fine.


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