[isabelle-dev] Odd branches on AFP

Gerwin Klein Gerwin.Klein at nicta.com.au
Wed Mar 30 12:29:38 CEST 2016

Thanks for closing that branch again.

As Salomon explained it was accidental, but just in case there was unclarity about it for others: the afp development model is to not use mercurial internal branches, but forks and repository merges instead.

Perfectly fine to use branches in your own copy of course if that’s what you want to do, but we would not want to create multiple branches inside the main afp-devel repository on bitbucket.

To answer Makarius’ question, there is a use case for named branches: when you want to record in history which commits belonged to which branch (for instance a feature branch), and how those branches developed over time. It’s not something we need for the AFP or Isabelle, but if you have something like a feature branch workflow, it does occasionally come in handy.


> On 30.03.2016, at 20:50, Makarius <makarius at sketis.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2016, Salomon Sickert wrote:
>> Apparently SourceTree pushed all my local branches instead of the selected commits.
> I've heard of SourceTree, but have not tried it yet. Is it worth spending time on it?
> From a distance, I would expect that local development is done with Mercurial queues, not branches.  For me the question remains open, if Mercurial branches have any purpose at all. Nobody could explain this to me.
>       Makarius
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