[isabelle-dev] Isabelle/jEdit - Loading of AFP session images fails

Salomon Sickert sickert at in.tum.de
Tue Mar 29 13:47:14 CEST 2016

Hello all,

I’m currently working with the current isabelle-devel (fe827c6fa8c5) and afp-devel (6143a36 <https://bitbucket.org/isa-afp/afp-devel/commits/6143a367826617a1c96f2f0811f00094e158ef70>) and I have issues loading session images built from the AFP. For example loading HOL-Library works fine:

> sickert$ bin/isabelle jedit -d "~/Documents/workspace/afp-devel/thys/" -l HOL-Library

However, if I want to load a session from the AFP:

> sickert$ bin/isabelle jedit -d "~/Documents/workspace/afp-devel/thys/" -l Automatic_Refinement
1:32:14 PM [Session.manager] [error] manager: *** Consumer thread failure: "Session.manager"
1:32:14 PM [Session.manager] [error] manager: *** Undefined session: “Automatic_Refinement"

The puzzling thing is, that Isabelle finds the session “Automatic_Refinement”, builds it and then complains that it doesn’t know what is. 
Any ideas on how to debug and fix this?

Thank you,
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