[isabelle-dev] Jenkins maintenance

Lars Hupel hupel at in.tum.de
Wed Jun 22 17:49:57 CEST 2016

> over the weekend, there will be a scheduled maintenance on the build
> infrastructure. As announced earlier, jobs will be migrated to a new
> machine, but also the Jenkins server itself will move.

It took longer than anticipated, but on the plus side, I didn't have to
cancel anything. Jenkins is now executing the bulk of the jobs on new
hardware (44 cores!) with the following layout:

- AFP: -j 8 -o threads=2
- makeall: -j 3 -o threads=2
- slow: -j 1 -o threads=8

For developers, nothing changed. URLs and repositories stay the same.

Note that the domain "ci.isabelle.systems" already points to the new
server, but DNS propagation might take a while. So it might very well be
that you receive mails with links that don't work until tomorrow, 23th
July 16:00 UTC.

Thanks for your patience!


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