[isabelle-dev] Isabelle2016-RC0: potential changes

Florian Haftmann florian.haftmann at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Thu Jan 14 11:45:00 CET 2016

Hi Rene,

>> Note that the classes (semi)ring_gcd in Isabelle2015 had no lemmas and
>> thus very hardly different from syntactic classes, so there is no loss
>> of generality here.
> I disagree with this second item: the classes (semi)ring_gcd in Isabelle2015 have
> the three essential lemmas:
> gcd_dvd1, gcd_dvd2, and gcd_greatest.

indeed, but these are exactly the assumptions of the type class.

> And since you want to include the patch anyway, why not include at least the instance now?

It sits on top of a couple of other patches definitely not suitable for
inclusion by now.



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