[isabelle-dev] Towards the release

Johannes Hölzl hoelzl at in.tum.de
Mon Jan 4 20:48:30 CET 2016

I'm currently cleaning up the Central Limit Theorem, and I want to it
entirely to HOL-Probability. 

I hope to finish this in 1 week, to get it into Isabelle 2016.

 - Johannes

Am Freitag, den 01.01.2016, 20:24 +0100 schrieb Makarius:
> Isabelle2016-RC0 is published, but we are still in normal incremental
> change mode on the isabelle-dev repository.
> This is also an opportunity to check NEWS, ANNOUNCE, CONTRIBUTORS,
> and the 
> website.
> Are there bigger changes still in the pipeline?  Larry are you
> finished 
> with the ports from HOL Light, as far as Isabelle2016 is concerned?
> Depending on that, the fork point for the release will be a bit
> sooner or 
> later.  Lets say in about 2 weeks. Hopefully, Oracle manages to
> deliver 
> the next Java 8 update in 3 weeks, as scheduled.
>  	Makarius
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