[isabelle-dev] Fwd: [Isabelle-ci] Build failure in Isabelle

Lars Hupel hupel at in.tum.de
Mon Aug 8 14:44:14 CEST 2016

> With a chart showing performance parameters (CPU time, elapsed time,
> heap size) in the past few weeks, it should be normally easy to see a
> small step or spike for HOL-Proofs or its applications.

Happy to assist with that. In a previous mail you indicated that these
parameters can be found in the log files. Luckily, Jenkins archives all
of them indefinitely.

For HOL-Proofs, the relevant job is "isabelle-repo-makeall". A catalog
of all builds and all archived logs can be found under the following URL:


This catalog also contains a timestamp (which I believe is the regular
Unix timestamp but with milliseconds instead of seconds).

The URLs where the specific log files can be found is easy to construct,


That should contain all necessary data for plotting performance graphs.


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