[isabelle-dev] [isabelle] Semirings in HOL/Algebra/Ring

Thiemann, Rene Rene.Thiemann at uibk.ac.at
Mon Mar 30 08:39:40 CEST 2015

Dear all,

can someone please integrate the attached patch which introduces a locale for semirings.

I tested the patch by running all sessions of the AFP though without ISABELLE_FULL_TEST:
there have been no problems.

Isabelle: db0b87085c16
AFP:      55e04ff27c52


>> Looks like a good idea to me. Are there any drawbacks?
> None of which I'm aware of. I just tested my changes against three AFP-entries which are based on HOL-Algebra
> and they all compile without problems. (Jordan_Hoelder Secondary_Sylow VectorSpace)
> However, I really just adapted Ring.thy by adding semiring as intermediate locale. I did not make further
> changes at this point, e.g., by also having commutative semirings, homomorphisms on semirings, etc.

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