[isabelle-dev] Fwd: test failed (Archive of Formal Proofs)
Larry Paulson
lp15 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Jun 18 21:31:39 CEST 2015
Looks like a recent change has broken Nominal2:
*** Failed to load theory "Nominal2_Abs" (unresolved "Nominal2_Base")
*** Failed to load theory "Nominal2_FCB" (unresolved "Nominal2_Abs")
*** Failed to load theory "Nominal2" (unresolved "Nominal2_Abs", "Nominal2_Base", "Nominal2_FCB")
*** Theorem must be of the form "?p \<bullet> c \<equiv> c", with c a constant or fixed parameter:
*** ?p \<bullet> ?y == ?y
*** At command "lemma" (line 2123 of "/mnt/nfsbroy/home/isatest/afp/devel/thys/Nominal2/Nominal2_Base.thy")
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: isatest at macbroy2.informatik.tu-muenchen.de (Isabelle )
> Subject: test failed (Archive of Formal Proofs)
> Date: 18 June 2015 11:25:01 BST
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Session [Incompleteness] in the automated afp test failed.
> AFP version: development -- hg id dd9b5f6f3866
> Isabelle version: devel -- hg id e0169291b31c
> Test ended on: macbroy2, Thu Jun 18 12:25:01 CEST 2015.
> To reproduce the error, check out the development version of the
> archive from sourceforge and run "isabelle make" on your session.
> This is an automatically generated email. To switch off these
> notifications, edit thys/Incompleteness/config and hg commit and push the changes.
> Have a nice day,
> isatest
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