[isabelle-dev] Lexical structure of ML strings

Florian Haftmann florian.haftmann at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Mon Jan 26 09:30:40 CET 2015

I have some doubt whether the parsing of strings by Isabelle/ML conforms
to plain ML.

See the following examples.

ML_val ‹
val s = "a\nb";
writeln s;

OK, seems quite plausible.

ML_val ‹
val s = "a\\b";
writeln s;

OK, seems quite plausible.

ML_val ‹
val s = "a\\<^isub>1";
writeln s;

This gives a lexical error, though I guess it should interpret as plain
"a\<^isub>1".  (Alas I have no suitable literature at hand which would
give an exact specification of a string's lexical structure in ML).

So, is this the intended behaviour?  I have stumbled over that issue
while trying to generate code involvings strings of that kind.

Any suggestions welcome.

Thanks a lot,


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