[isabelle-dev] Start thinking about Isabelle2015 release

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Thu Feb 5 22:39:15 CET 2015

Approx. 6 months after Isabelle2014, it is time to slowly start thinking 
about the Isabelle2015 release.

As far as I can see right now, we shall have roughly two more months 
(Feb/Mar) for new things and improvement of old things.  In Apr/May we 
shall have the usual consolidation and liftoff for the release: the hot 
and critical phase.

If there are any side-conditions, important projects in the pipeline etc. 
this is a good point to start discussions in a leisurely manner.

For myself, the main agenda is:

   (1) Finalize Graphview for its first proper release.

   (2) Work together with Dan Matichuk to have a first public appearance of
     Eisbach that admits users outside the original research group (i.e.
     the critical move from "publication quality" to "production quality").


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