[isabelle-dev] Status of afp-2015

Gerwin Klein Gerwin.Klein at nicta.com.au
Tue Apr 28 18:16:53 CEST 2015

You’re right, it is currently not tested automatically. I was going to set this up on the weekend, but didn’t manage to.

As far as I’m aware, there weren’t any commits to afp-2015 after the fork apart from one update that was a leaf node that I checked manually. Isabelle-RC has moved, though.

Will look at getting the test up again tonight.


> On 28 Apr 2015, at 3:25 pm, Makarius <makarius at sketis.net> wrote:
> I am confused about the status of afp-2015 wrt. current Isabelle2015 release candidates.
> According to my own post on isabelle-users, Isabelle2015-RC1 and AFP/a44a0c9e17ef correspond to each other.  It was a stable point after days of chaos before entering the final release process.
> That relative stability seems to have been lost again:
>  isabelle-release/18267ceb10b5
>  afp-2015/d8cda568cd81
> Unfinished session(s): Call_Arity, Circus, Depth-First-Search, FunWithFunctions, Girth_Chromatic, KBPs, Launchbury, Markov_Models, Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold, Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL, UpDown_Scheme
> That is without the "slow" sessions.
> Is afp-2015 actually tested anywhere?
>       Makarius
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