[isabelle-dev] JEdit FAILED

Florian Haftmann florian.haftmann at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Sat Jun 28 17:08:06 CEST 2014

> The problem here is the missing unzip executable on the test machine.

After a second look at the return code 9, I end up with the unzip man
page (on lxbroy10):

> 9      the specified zipfiles were not found.

Having a look at the code

> val jedit_actions =
>   Lazy.lazy (fn () =>
>     (case Isabelle_System.bash_output
>       "unzip -p \"$JEDIT_HOME/dist/jedit.jar\" org/gjt/sp/jedit/actions.xml" of
>       (txt, 0) =>
>         (case XML.parse txt of
>           XML.Elem (("ACTIONS", _), body) => maps (parse_named "ACTION") body
>         | _ => [])
>     | (_, rc) => error ("Cannot unzip jedit.jar\nreturn code = " ^ string_of_int rc)));

suggests that something is bad with $JEDIT_HOME in the mira build

Maybe someone of the TUM guys can have a look at that.



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