[isabelle-dev] Problems with datatype-new

René Thiemann rene.thiemann at uibk.ac.at
Wed Jun 25 13:49:40 CEST 2014

Dear all,

I have an unexpected problem when defining a datatype using datatype_new.

theory Test
datatype_new ('a,'b) bar = Foo 'a "'b option" "'b rs"

Proof failed.
 1. ⋀g ga h.
        (λx. case local.bar.Rep_bar_pre_bar x of (l, la, xa) ⇒ h (g l) (map_option (λx. x) la) xa) =
       local.bar.ctor_rec_bar (λx. case local.bar.Rep_bar_pre_bar x of (x1, xa, xb) ⇒ h (g x1) xa xb)
The error(s) above occurred for the goal statement⌂:
⋀g ga h. local.bar.rec_bar h ∘ local.bar.map_bar g = local.bar.rec_bar (λx. h (g x))*)

The problem vanishes if I make the datatype slightly more easier, e.g., if
- I declare 'a or 'b as dead
- 'b option or 'b rs is changed to pure 'b
- 'a is dropped

Just wanting to report this,

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