[isabelle-dev] Towards the Isabelle2014 release

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Sun Jul 27 16:57:08 CEST 2014

We are now past the fork point for the Isabelle2014 release.  This means:

    * https://bitbucket.org/isabelle_project/isabelle-release/ is where the
      final release preparations happen before roll-out in approx. 3 weeks.

      The starting point is

      There is no push access.  Any changes that are relevant for the
      release need to be sent to me via email (produced by "hg export" or
      "hg bundle").  Changesets need to be prepared from a current state of
      isabelle-release, not the ongoing post-release development, and
      applied to only one of the two repository branches.

    * http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle is back in post-release mode
      right now (changeset 987c9ceeaafd).  Anything pushed there is for the
      next release after Isabelle2014.

      Big upheaveals should be avoided, so that the release branch can be
      merged back cleanly after several weeks; but it is better to publish
      small changes now than to stockpile them for a long time.

    * AFP needs to be understood wrt. isabelle-release.

      Gerwin will explain his organization of the AFP release for
      Isabelle2014, based on the afp-devel repository.

    * mira tests isabelle, not isabelle-release

    * isatest tests isabelle-release

    * isabelle-users is the place to discuss Isabelle2014-RC versions

    * isabelle-dev is the place to discuss ongoing post-release development


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