[isabelle-dev] NEWS: improved support for Isabelle/ML

Lars Noschinski noschinl at in.tum.de
Tue Feb 18 17:38:56 CET 2014

On 18.02.2014 17:36, Dmitriy Traytel wrote:
> However, once I had to restart Isabelle as JEdit became quite
> irresponsive (using almost 4GB of memory, forced GC didn't help).
> Maybe I just hat too many ML files open (I usually don't close them
> once opened) or my ML files are just too big: e.g.
> ~~/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp.ML, although on a fresh start after
> opening just this ML file the system is responsive (with some
> understandable delay in displaying the markup, but instantly
> processing edits). Maybe slightly lighter type annotations (at every
> constant/variable rather than at every subterm) would dodge such
> problems?
While I haven't tried the support for ML-files yet, seeing the types for
arbitrary subexpressions is my most beloved feature of the ML-markup.

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