[isabelle-dev] scala-2.11.0

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Mon Apr 28 18:00:20 CEST 2014

On Fri, 25 Apr 2014, Makarius wrote:

>>  trimming it down to the simplest possible approach.
> I have done this now in Isabelle/e1317a26f8c0 (and the row of changes 
> before it).
> So most of the PIDE "operating system" functionality is now 
> re-implemented by more basic means, in just 48 hours.  It is interesting 
> that this can be done, but that is mostly a port of existing Isabelle/ML 
> modules from src/Pure/Concurrent.  The resulting Scala/PIDE sources are 
> more concise, and the implementation presumably more robust and 
> efficient.

A bit more of this spring cleaning of the PIDE OS is now in 

The internal event propagation now bypasses the one central GUI thread of 
Swing, which is the canonical bottle neck of any non-tricial application. 
Thus the overall reactivity should be better, with less "GUI hangs" as the 
prover crunches big sessions and throws the results at the front-end.


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