[isabelle-dev] html output of theories

Gottfried Barrow igbi at gmx.com
Wed Apr 16 21:48:09 CEST 2014

On 14-04-16 07:47, Makarius wrote:
> I started recently to wonder about the question of latex installations 
> on Windows.  Is MikTeX *the* thing to look at?  There also seems to be 
> a Windows version of TeXlive, but maybe that is just an odd minority 
> thing?

I did a search on "windows latex distributions":



They're both major distributions, and both have a portable installer:



But, just now, looking for quick info on TeX Live, their Web page was 
making me work to find out two things: how do I do its portable install, 
and does it automatically retrieve packages after it is installed.

Nothing was obvious, and that's probably why I went with MiKTeX a long 
time ago, because they've done a lot to make things easy, including how 
their Web site is layed out.

As far as which would be better for packaging or retrieval by Isabelle, 
I wouldn't know about that.

If you look at the dates of releases, it appears MiKTeX is more active, 
for whatever that's worth.

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