[isabelle-dev] Missing letters in jEdit

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Mon Sep 30 11:48:10 CEST 2013

On Thu, 19 Sep 2013, Makarius wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Sep 2013, Jasmin Blanchette wrote:
>> I had the same issue with Monaco, which is definitely a standard Mac font.
> I have played with this font a bit, but did not see anything suspicious so 
> far.  I will use it more often in my office.
>> Since the problem is nondetermistic, it's a bit hard to test. But it seems 
>> to affect only the very first font loaded. All the other fonts, of 
>> different sizes or from different families, are fine, but when I revert 
>> back to the initial font (the font that was set as the default when I 
>> launched jEdit), it's just as broken as initially.
> Strange, there might be some operating system font cache involved.
> Note that IsabelleText is loaded differently: assuming that it is *not* 
> installed on the system, which should normally be the case, it gets loaded 
> directly from the lib/fonts/IsabelleText.ttf file by the Java 2D rendering 
> subsystem.
> Another thing to watch for are JVM exception traces.  If you start 
> "isabelle jedit" on some Terminal, it will "vomit" on the console when 
> something is wrong, e.g. during painting.  The painting layers 
> spontaneously recover from crashes after printing the exception trace, 
> but visual drop-outs remain.

Yesterday I've seen this with Monaco on Mountain Lion, using something 
like Isabelle/f6b7afa414f7.

Both text renderers of jEdit and Isabelle/jEdit produced these drop-outs. 
I suspect it is a general problem of jdk-7u40 on Mac OS X (it might have 
been there with other jdk-7 versions already).


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