[isabelle-dev] trace_unify_fail

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Fri Sep 13 23:14:32 CEST 2013

On Fri, 13 Sep 2013, Lars Noschinski wrote:

> I just spent some time discovering where trace_unify_fail went (there 
> now exists an attribute unify_trace_failure). As the introduction of 
> this flag had a NEWS entry, wouldn't this change also merit a NEWS entry

OK, I will add this soon.  I still have a severel things about NEWS and 
READMEs on my TODO list for the release.

The remaining weeks before the first Isabelle2013-1-RC1 arrives (start of 
October) are just the right time to consolidate NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS. 
This means everone who has added or changed something in the past few 
months should check if it is "user-relevant" for NEWS.  It is just an 
accident that NEWS has a majority of INCOMPATIBILITIES in it.  Just new 
things can also be added there.


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