[isabelle-dev] Testboard

Lars Noschinski noschinl at in.tum.de
Wed Oct 2 08:10:26 CEST 2013

On 02.10.2013 01:09, Alexander Krauss wrote:
> On 09/27/2013 11:49 AM, Lars Noschinski wrote:
>> It might be a good idea to implement a strategy which tests the existing
>> heads in reverse chronological order (commits pushed last get tested
>> first), but I am not sure whether this information is available in
>> Mercurial (we have the commit date, but this is not necessarily related
>> to the push-date).
> Such a strategy is easy to implement for a single repository. But for
> multiple repositories (Isabelle+AFP) there is no useful notion of heads
> (The obvious lifting to products does work theoretically, but not
> practically, since there are just too many of them...)

Hm, you are right. Another option would be to record the tip-tuples in a 
push-hook and work on these, if there is no tip to be processed.

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