[isabelle-dev] isabelle jedit -l HOL fails

Clemens Ballarin ballarin at in.tum.de
Tue Oct 1 20:51:17 CEST 2013

After updating the repository today (and a seemingly good run of  
'isabelle components -a') 'isabelle jedit -l HOL' gives me

2013-10-01 20:42:22.345 java[35294:903] *** NSInvocation: warning:  
object 0x10ad24390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement  
methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead
2013-10-01 20:42:22.348 java[35294:903] *** NSInvocation: warning:  
object 0x10ad24390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement  
doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort
/Users/ballarin/isabelle/repo/lib/Tools/java: line 1: 35294 Trace/BPT  
trap          "$ISABELLE_JDK_HOME/bin/$PRG" "$@"

I'm still on MacOSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.  Any ideas?


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