[isabelle-dev] Isabelle on Cygwin

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Thu May 23 13:46:04 CEST 2013

On Thu, 23 May 2013, Sascha Boehme wrote:

> Is anyone using Isabelle on Cygwin and has build an image for a recent 
> Isabelle changeset?

I do this manually quite often, due to "write-once-debug-everywhere" 
nature of the JVM for Isabelle/Scala and Isabelle/jEdit.

> Or is Isabelle regularly build under Cygwin on any of the test machines?

This did not work out so far, although to do it professionally we would 
have to do regular isatest runs for Windows/Cygwin, too.

> I've installed Cygwin from scratch two days ago and downloaded Isabelle 
> (hg id 5b889b1b465b). When building Pure, the PolyML process seems to 
> hang at the end of building the image. The process does not use any 
> further CPU resources and does not terminate. The Pure image seems to be 
> build successfully, but the corresponding log file is missing.
> It might well be that this is a problem with my computer configuration. 
> Could anyone please try to build this Isabelle changeset (or a closely 
> related one) on Cygwin and report the outcome?

Without trying, I would guess it is just a normal incident of the "rolling 
release" scheme of Cygwin.  Thus you always get "latest" things, including 
the latest problems.

Since Isabelle2013, I've never updated the underlying Cygwin.

You can also install that independently, using setup options seen here: 


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