[isabelle-dev] Subscripts within identifiers

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Fri Jul 12 19:41:38 CEST 2013

On Wed, 10 Jul 2013, Makarius wrote:

> So the reformed identifier syntax is like this:
>  LETTER = A .. Z a .. Z \<alpha> ... \<A> ... \<a> ... etc.
>  DIGIT = 0 .. 9
>  LETDIG = LETTER | DIGIT | _ | '
>  CONTROL = \<^sub> | \<^sup>
> These changes are most just obscure details of relatively old-fashioned AFP 
> entries, such as Lazy-Lists-II. The main impact of practical relevance is the 
> following in Kleen_Algebra, which uses notation like this:
>  A\<^sup>\<omega>
> That is an instance of \<^sup>LETTER, i.e. the remaining overlap from the 
> earlier discussion on this thread.  I have presently escaped the situation by 
> using \<^bsup> \<^esup> which looks almost the same in Latex, but is a bit 
> awkward in Isabelle/jEdit.
> Unlike superscripted digits, I did not find an alternative unicode 
> symbol so far.  One could recommend users using \<^sup>\<infinity> in 
> such situations.

Maybe Tjark wants to comment on that -- AFP/Kleene_Algebra is the main 
realistic application of that notation in the visible universe.

How would "Omega Algebras" fare with notation A\<^sup>\<infinity> instead 
of A\<^sup>\<omega>?


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