[isabelle-dev] JEdit: type constraints no longer printed by default

Steffen Juilf Smolka steffen.smolka at in.tum.de
Thu Jan 10 17:24:56 CET 2013

In af8ecf09a58c, type constraints are no longer printed by default in JEdit:

ML {*
@{term "f"} 
 |> Type.constraint @{typ "nat => nat"}
 |> Syntax.string_of_term @{context}
 |> writeln

# f

Is this the intended behaviour? It used to be different a couple of month ago. I don't know when it changed exacyly, but I think changeset a6814de45b69 might be responsible for the change.

When setting show_markup to false, the behaviour is like it was in the past:

ML {*
@{term "f"} 
 |> Type.constraint @{typ "nat => nat"}
 |> Syntax.string_of_term (@{context} |> Config.put show_markup false)
 |> writeln

# f∷nat ⇒ nat 

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